Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mysterious Virgo

I am a Virgo, and very much believe in the accuracy of sun sign descriptions of people.
I am not as private as some Virgo's, when it comes to my personal life, but with my feelings I can be extremely private. That is one of the most common Virgo traits and it comes across as being shy. But I recently saw this quote, and It really spoke to me. So I wanted to share it here on my blog.


I recently went through something that really changed me. Because it caused me sorrow. All the things in life that have given me pleasure, have taught me nothing. I believe that pain makes people change, and not always for the worse. I believe it will make people change for the better. As odd as it sounds, I am thankful for this recent sorrow I went through. It taught me to appreciate things more, and not take things for granted. I will probably re-read this at some point and be a little uneasy about posting this for anyone to read. But what's a blog, without a little piece of the real you.

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