Monday, May 26, 2014

Updated Vanity Room!

Since I've started this whole blogging thing, I usually lay in bed with my laptop and post my blogs.
Then I saw the cutest desk and chair and thought that it would be a perfect addition to my vanity room, and perfect spot to blog! Something about sitting at a desk while using the computer, just makes things feel more organized and official! :)

I am so happy with the outcome, and really proud of myself for putting it all together, and creating a spot in the house that is just mine. Also moving my vanity infront of my windows, allows me to get ready in the natural sunlight, which is the best light to get ready in of course!

Here are the pictures :) (and I make them super big so you can see everything lol)

This first picture is just hung at the top of my stairs....but I love it.

Now here is my updated vanity room.....

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