Sunday, May 4, 2014

Weekend Wind Down......

Every Sunday, after all my weekend activities, I need to wind down, relax, and re-cooperate, to prepare for Monday mornings antics.

My favorite way to relax, is by taking a nice hot bubble bath! I also like to enjoy a hot cup of Green Tea, while in the bubble bath.

Since I usually wait until night time to take my bath, I love using my Dead Sea - Calming Lavender Sugar - Salt Spa Scrub. It has such a relaxing smell, paired with the hot bath, and hot green tea, this is the ultimate relaxation for me and gets me ready for a good sleep.

Lavender is already a natural sleep aid, so to amp up the sleepiness, I have my boyfriend prepare me a cup of Sleepy Time Tea (I actually use two different brands at once) while I moisturize my skin, brush my teeth, and do all the other bedtime rituals.

Once I am nice and comfortable in my silky satin sheets, along with my Sleepy Time is just a matter of moments, before I drift away to dream land and awake Monday morning nice and refreshed and ready to take on the work day!


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